Wamenhan Donny Ermawan Taufanto mewakili Menhan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin menghadiri rapat kerja dengan Komisi I DPR RI tentang efisiensi anggaran Kemhan dan TNI TA 2025, pada Kamis (13/2), di ruang sidang Banggar DPR RI, Jakarta.
Dalam rapat tersebut, Wamenhan Donny menegaskan komitmen Kemhan dan TNI untuk melaksanakan efisiensi anggaran secara bertanggung jawab tanpa mengurangi kualitas tugas.
Panglima TNI, Jenderal TNI Agus Subiyanto, menambahkan bahwa TNI telah melakukan langkah-langkah pengawasan dan pengendalian ketat anggaran.
Ketua Komisi I DPR RI Utut Adianto mengakhiri rapat dengan menyetujui efisiensi anggaran Tahun Anggaran 2025, sambil tetap mendukung peningkatan alokasi anggaran dengan mempertimbangkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pendapatan negara.
The Vice Minister of Defence, Donny Ermawan Taufanto, representing the Minister of Defence, Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, attended a working meeting with Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) to discuss the budget efficiency of the Ministry of Defence and the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) for the Fiscal Year 2025. The meeting was held, on Thursday (Feb 13), in the Budget Committee meeting room of the DPR RI, in Jakarta.
During the meeting, Vice Minister Donny reaffirmed the commitment of the Ministry of Defence and TNI to implementing budget efficiency measures responsibly, without compromising the quality of their duties.
The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, General TNI Agus Subiyanto, added that the TNI has implemented strict budget monitoring and control measures.
The Chairman of Commission I of the DPR RI, Utut Adianto, concluded the meeting by approving the budget efficiency measures for the 2025 Fiscal Year while continuing to support an increase in budget allocation, taking into account economic growth and state revenue.
Sumber : Kemhan RI