Karo Infohan Setjen Kemhan ,Menghadiri Konvensi Nasional Media Massa 2025 di Gedung Dewan Pers

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Karo Infohan Setjen Kemhan Brigjen TNI Frega Wenas Inkiriwang menghadiri Konvensi Nasional Media Massa 2025 di gedung Dewan Pers, Jakarta, pada Kamis (20/2).

Konvensi ini mengangkat tema “Disrupsi Berganda Terhadap Media Massa” dan dibuka secara daring oleh Wamen Komdigi, Angga Raka Prabowo.

Dalam sambutannya, ia menekankan pentingnya media berpegang pada prinsip jurnalistik dengan menyatakan, “Kecepatan tidak boleh mengorbankan akurasi, dan kepentingan nasional harus selalu diutamakan.”

Wamen Angga juga mendorong media untuk kembali kepada jati diri yang faktual dan objektif serta berorientasi pada bangsa.

Konvensi ini juga membahas topik tentang relasi media massa dengan publik dan relasi media massa dengan teknologi dan platform.

The Head of Defence Information of Secretariat General of Ministry of Defence, Brigadier General TNI Frega Wenas Inkiriwang, attended the 2025 National Mass Media Convention, at the Dewan Pers building in Jakarta, on Thursday (Feb 20).

The convention carried the theme “Multiple Disruptions to Mass Media” and was officially opened online by the Vice Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs, Angga Raka Prabowo.

In his remarks, he emphasized the importance of the media adhering to journalistic principles by stating, “Speed must not come at the expense of accuracy, and national interests must always take precedence.”

Vice Minister Angga also urged the media to return to its core identity—being factual, objective, and nationally oriented.

The convention also explored topics related to the relationship between mass media and the public, as well as its relationship with technology and digital platforms.

Sumber : kemhanRI